By WTF, guys? - 26/08/2014 16:22 - United States - San Francisco

Today, it's my fourth day of my trip to the USA. I've actually started keeping count of the number of times people get confused because I was born in South Africa and yet am not black. Current count: 9. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 463
You deserved it 4 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nederlander95 14

I'm actually kind of surprised it's ONLY nine.

This reminds me of Karen from Mean Girls


They should all be ashamed of how ignorant they are. -_-

Don't lie. White people are only ever born in Europe and North America.

God help people that can't take a joke. I hope the Lord will give you a sense of humor some day.

jessica7725 20
lil_miss_simran 15

people don't believe i'm indian. It happens all the time

You'll find that number will grow exponentially within the next few days. I've lived here all my life and am still amazed by the amount of stupid people that I see on a daily basis.

At least you can speak english unlike some other visitors we have

And many of them aren't just visiting. They plan on staying forever.

Yes but when Americans visit other countries, they expect English as the main language.

I find it hilarious that anyone expects another country whose most common language is different from their own to have everything in their language for them outside of border towns, tourist areas, and international transportation areas. It is stupid to go to another country outside of those areas and expect accommodations for your lack understanding of their language and ability to speak their language. A French person should not go to Japan and expect to be talked to in French and have signs written in French. A Spanish person should not go to Russia and expect Russians to speak in perfect Spanish to them. If you intend to go to another country for an extended period of time or even move there, then you should make efforts to learn the language of that country. You are entitled and idiotic not to.

*double post because of poor cell service, my apologies*

Ugh. English is one of SA's official languages

My post was more of in general. Everyone should learn the language of a country they intend to be staying in for a prolonged period time. In this case, in may not of been an issue. We don't know if the OP is someone who learned English for travelling purposes. if they learned English as a first language, or if they learned English as an additional language for some other reason. I don't want to assume. However I applaud the OP for knowing the language most spoken by the country they travelled to.

gameover18 17

yeah sorry to here that OP. Race in america is BS.

I had a similar experience in Greece the level of ignorance re. RSA is astounding especially after 2010