By klutz - 10/08/2009 14:34 - United States

Today, me and my friend were following this hot lifeguard around a waterpark. In the wave pool, I decided to be cute and "accidentally" bump into him during the waves to start a conversation. As I prepared to do this, a large wave pushed me off my feet and I fell face-first into his butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 851
You deserved it 56 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jackalope104 0


The_Cait 0

The lifeguard at a water park would be stationed at a particular attraction and would only be walking around if they were starting/ending their shift or on a break [which could legitimately be the case]. Also, they would be sitting in a tower chair ABOVE the wave pool...not swimming in it... If you're going to be least be funny...

Actually, some waterparks have guards walk the shallow end of a pool area if it's a decline; we did it for our Leisure Pool and the Wave Pool at our sister park had a guard pace the decline. Also, for the OP and anyone else who thinks "stalking" and "being cute" to male guards is a good way to get their attention? It's not. At the very least, the female guards will notice, make fun of you, then tell the guy. At worst, the guy will notice, get scared and try to switch posts in the rotation to get away from you and you'll end up the joke of the week (especially if you're wearing a padded swimsuit).

zrhcrx 0

Yeah Ellis and Associates(who most likely issues the lifeguard licenses for this water park) requires all wave pools to have guards standing in the zero dept area of the pool while the waves are on.

The_Cait 0

Good to know! thanks for the info, you two =).

You tell them, 38 Isn't that normally what happens? I mean, in a (public) workplace, when some random twit tries to pull stunts like these, they end up the butt end of every joke for the week? Them and the person they tried to attract, of course. Yeah, that's real cute, making the guy/girl you thought was hot be the laughingstock at their job for a while lol... Don't know what people are thinking.

zee209 0

YDI for thinking it was 'cute' to bump into him, and for being a creeper too. Grow up and just go talk to him. I seriously wonder if sometimes people post just to get a 'YDI'.

triplethreat13 0

epic fail. just go up and talk to the guy! some girls are just too shy.

Maybe it's because I'm getting old in this world of gizmos and gadgets, but TALKING TO THEM always seemed to work in my day.

seroose 0

why is this an FML? if I did that to a hot chic I'd tell everyone she sat on my face! hahaha

Why do so many girls have it in their heads they have to be delicate yet clumsy in order to have a guy correct/save them? Everyone knows that if he doesn't fall for it, she'll instantly refer to him as a jerk. Just. *******. Talk. To. Them. I think they even have YouTube videos on how to start a conversation.

Creeper. YDI. Seriously I bet he asked you too do the same thing later that night but use your tongue and give him a reach around

I'm sure he didn't mind lol, I mean if a decent looking girl bumped into my butt like that and i was like lifeguard i would probably talk to her haha.