By Ma_Nikka - 23/07/2015 19:00 - United States - Olivehurst

Today, my boss called me in to have a serious talk. The "serious talk" was him asking me to notify him of my menstrual cycle ahead of time so he can "avoid that shit". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 173
You deserved it 2 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd consider that sexual harassment. That's way too ******* personal.

Because that's totally his business.


Wow. That actually really offensive and I would personally report him for sexual harassment.

raecattach 7

Umm, yeah. Pretty sure that's against the law.

tiredofwaiting 25

That is none of his beeswax. Talk about being unprofessional.

Yeah that's definitely sexual harassment, maybe consider reporting him.

EcoAirWarrior 7

You should seriously consider seeking out a new workplace or taking action as I'm fairly sure your employers comment counts as offensive and he used crude language in front of you which generally isn't accepted in a workplace

Go for the jugular on this lawsuit!

AJGrote_89 6

Can someone start notifying me ahead of time so that when my periods gonna start, I can just avoid that shit!! FML

File a complaint with Human Resources

I see money in your future... Right after you file a lawsuit.