By fffmmll - 21/03/2011 16:58 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend called my vagina "Chewbacca". FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 972
You deserved it 56 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why does it make a funny arrrrrgggggg noise or are you just wicked hairy?


SilenceIsSilver 0

Yeah. What could he possibly call it if it's hairless?? Certainly not prepubescent or anything(:

71 - im nawt gay... thats just ma nickname at skool

TripOnShoelaces 0

My comment somehow posted on this thread, but I meant to reply to the 68. Weird.

74? These comments had nothing to do with you being gay? Get over yourself. I have absolutely no problem with gay people, but when your username is gayboii, of course people are going to assume that? Common sense.

shit ... sorry dint realise a wis so annoyin ): ima just g slit ma wrists

ohh then a guess a replyed tae tha rong person

dude the way u type makes seem gay just saying

do20ss 4

cuz he'll try anything once....

I lol'd at 117. XD but seriously 'gayboii' stop being so critical man it's only the internet, don't worry about what others say.

atleast she can star in the new star wars

actually a lil hair down there keeps bacteria out which keeps it from smellin like a nasty, stank pussy

71, not saying it has to be bald but Chewbacca is hairy as shit, so..

89 he isn't from America... Arrogant ******

I believe the word you are looking for is ignorant, not arrogant

Azarjan 0

Attention *****... kids these days

countryboyj17 0

lol I love how everyone thinks that "gayboii" was being serious. he's obviously a troll...

Sweety93 0

Oh jeez gross lol I don't know about anyone else but I shave and mine doesn't stink?

^^ The fact you have to enforce that makes me wonder.;)

188-how did u get ur camel certified I'm having trouble with mine.

224, maybe you shower more than 146 lol

bro u are a motha ****** fag and its obvious !!!!

jokerrose57 0
coolboy6 0


Sweety93 0

how? that doesnt make sense. That girl said that if you shave it all that bacteria grows and makes you smell so i was saying mine doesnt and i shave? so alright......??

364 - Well if you want to get technical about it, the hair that is supposed to grow there is meant to catch all the bacteria and keep it from entering your cooch. So, without hair, bacteria's free to come and go.

Sweety93 0

375, I understand but under no circumstances should your ****** stink lol that's disgusting and if you took care of yourself you shouldn't have a problem, And like what to I tell a guy sorry I'm going all natural to keep the bacteria out? hahahaha :)

actually keeps the normal bacteria and yeast in check... u can shave it just makes you more susceptible to an infection... doesn't mean u get one if practice good hygiene ^_^ the microbiology lesson of the day

385 - Some people do. I keep myself clean, so I don't get infections due to shaving. Others prefer to be lazy and keep the hair there. 391 - Yes, thank you. Finally, someone knows something.

Can you really say that everyone who doesn't shave is lazy?

Sorry Cinn, I guess it would have worked better if I had said "and/or" instead of just "and". My mistake!

Breezy4ever24 0

I agree ! thts gross ! you might need 2 use like a weed waker. ha :p

kcappy 0

More like shave for the love of your boyfriend =// ick

I guess you can say that her meat was a little chewy

#146 someone can have a "stank pussy" even when they have hair, its all a matter of who actually cleans themselves

******* shave. hairy ******* are nasty as ****

It actually wasn't hairy. He called it chewbacca because it made sounds like "wodododudldldldododldodo"!

Ohlord. All females should shave. it gets pretty gross.

countryboyj17 0

lol 131 I see wat u did thar xD

if he really wants it gone then why not? just tell him he's going to have to do it so he gets to pick the method and bring the supplies.

it's double standard, girls have a million so we can have this one.

Hmmm_ok 0

257 most men shave their balls, only gay guys shave their pits. and hairy vags are just gross, the smell is bad enough but to add hair is just a turn off

257 most men shave their balls, only gay guys shave their pits. and hairy vags are just gross, the smell is bad enough but to add hair is just a turn off

most men shave their balls, only gay guys shave their pits. and hairy vags are just gross, the smell is bad enough but to add hair is just a turn off

257 most men shave their balls, only gay guys shave their pits. and hairy vags are just gross, the smell is bad enough but to add hair is just a turn off

most men shave their balls, only gay guys shave their pits. and hairy vags are just gross, the smell is bad enough but to add hair is just a turn off

most men shave their balls, only gay guys shave their pits. and hairy vags are just gross, the smell is bad enough but to add hair is just a turn off

most men shave their balls, only gay guys shave their pits. and hairy vags are just gross, the smell is bad enough but to add hair is just a turn off

most men shave their balls, only gay guys shave their pits. and hairy vags are just gross, the smell is bad enough but to add hair is just a turn off

most men shave their balls, only gay guys shave their pits. and hairy vags are just gross, the smell is bad enough but to add hair is just a turn off

most men shave their balls, only gay guys shave their pits. and hairy vags are just gross, the smell is bad enough but to add hair is just a turn off

kinga08 0

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much better idea, wish there were more of you around! lol

vballer123456 0

some like tush others like bush just let it be

I always wandered what chewy would look like bald

natas_fml 13

^Watch more aqua teen hunger force!

Why does it make a funny arrrrrgggggg noise or are you just wicked hairy?

shift_love 13

holy crappers cathylee! you look exactly like an actress off the show "Las Vegas" she was a hot elementary teacher that was cheating at poker. congrats you can tell others you were on tv cause you seriously look exactly like her. ;D

Prankster7o7 5

lol I laughed for ten mins when I read that^^. WIN

Louis1992 9

damn u fine! wats ur numba? ;)

haha cold person an fml proposal, how romantic ;)

why are people saying ydi ... how can you possibly deserve that??? lmao

she deserves it cause she doesn't shave lol

ohh and will you just get over that fs

61 - Just because a girl doesn't shave doesn't mean she's unclean. I assume she showers regularly, so there should be no issue. Hair or no hair, it's just a matter of preference.

what's up with gayboii and blowing markers? someone enlighten me

hes talking bout tha FML i made on saturday

Big mistake telling everyone that was yours.

he can put up another fml here I'll help, "today I was being made fun of because I said I made an fml involving me and a pen going at it"

actually Jess that was partially my fault cause I was the first person to confirm it. sorry gayboii =)

ryanst 7

gayboii.. this is the Internet. People are much less afraid to say mean things so if your going to be sensitive about everything people say, get off of it.

xtreamcheerin 4

its called shving cream and a razor its also called lazer hair removal such as ideal image thats why sdi

samadams42 0

no hair is my precedent *** auto correct

prince122 0

for not shaving, thats probably what they think the problem is... but maybe he just like chewbacca and likes her ****** so he called chewbacca.

sjhcheerleader 0

wow people are ruude. But it was a personal choice to put that on here, soo.. yeah. I feel for ya, but you probably do need to have some secrecy in your nationally public life.

haha12457 0

ydi because she don't shave :D

here's a pointer! look at his dick and say yayyy! I found mini me from Austin Powers! :D whatever u do don't be sarcastic act 100% serious

hook_em 0

it's not chew people she was just informed that she was in the next geico commercial it's so easy a caveman can do it

a guess that makes yeh pretty vain then mate

grizzvolleyball9 4
alexx420 0