By hahahehehohohoo - 07/02/2009 03:55 - United States

Today, my boyfriend handcuffed me to the bed, naked. Someone pulled the fire alarm, and my boyfriend couldn't find the key. So he left me, and the Resident Advisor found me. The fireman had to cut the chain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 324 262
You deserved it 58 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xXxRandiexXx 0

I would dump him. he just left you there!!!


blackbeltjones 0

LMAO!!!!!!!!! wow. im dyin here.

Dump him. Handcuffs, even real ones, are REALLY easy to undo. (A bobby pin will do it.) And he just went and left you there...

stfuxxn00b 0

Wow. Seriously. People should think before they act. I would've been really embarassed if I were you. >:(

Lovebug9 0

Ehh, he just left you there? What an ass! But handcuffs? Lucky.

You enjoy being handcuffed? I think we should have a conversation... ;)

You.. Are an idiot to allow him to do something like that. HANDCUFFS? REAL ONES? Please, I'd say you deserved it, but not with a fire alarm. Maybe something more miniscule like a prank, but.. Regardless that was stupid on both of your parts.

You haven't had a lot of fun in your time have you?

SaltyLurker 10

Well the point is, you use handcuffs with people you can trust. as soon as that trust is not there, it can become a real stupid thing to do. Case in point above. You can still have fun, just don't be stupid about it or otherwise hope you get a real kick out of burning to death

MCart_fml 0

#70, it's all a matter of preference as to how the bondage happens.. I mean there are so many options to explore: rope, silk, leather, vinyl, chain, sport cuffs, handcuffs (fuzzy covers or no, you're right real and high quality is a must), sex furniture with restraints built in... to each their own. Regardless it sounds like you have a really fun and enlightened girlfriend, congrats! #79, the only mistake was the fact that she picked HIM to have that kind of fun with.. gotta have a trustworthy responsible and hopefully experienced partner for that kind of fun, her partner obviously had none of those qualities.

Mandala_fml 0

What did the RA say and how did you respond?