By Angelofkarma - 25/05/2009 18:05 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend of 2 years took me to get a tattoo done with his name on. He paid for it. After it was done he told me it was over between us and he thought it'd be a nice reminder of him for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 315 219
You deserved it 173 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh man! You shouldn't have agreed to it in the first place! But what a asshole!

People need to learn not to tattoo their boyfriend/girlfriend's names on them.


life lesson, if you're ever going to put someone's name on u, it should be someone you're related to by blood... siblings, parents, kids, etc... even if you're married for 10+ yrs, not wise. silly girl.

holy shit that is the biggest asshole ever . get him back.

You idiot! How can you be stupid enough to get a tattoo someone's name when anything can happen between you.

what a ******* douchebag. skin him alive.

really? after 2 years? you should of known better. but still, what a douche! man, i would of killed him

#13 said it all. On the other hand, you should keep it to never forget this lesson. Like a warrior carries his scars from the mistakes he made in battle.

Silentknight 0

OR you could take the petty route. Use the money you saved (since he payed for it) and add a big bold "is a jackass". I think it's just the addition your current tatoo needs.

WHAT AN ASS BAG! Dude, you shouldn't haven gotten a tattoo, WHAT AN ASS BAG!

woooowwwww, dick move! you should kick him in the nads

Now that's a ZING that will last forever!!!