By tallesttree54 - 11/11/2016 00:38

Today my boyfriend proposed to me and I gladly accepted. The first words out of his mouth after getting off his knees were, "I own you now!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 549
You deserved it 1 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Application of makeup will be regarded as an act of vandalism. Any attempts to back out of the engagement could result in legal prosecution for stealing yourself. If you upload any footage of yourself to the internet (YouTube, Snapchat, Vine, etc.), you could be convicted of digital piracy.

If that was a joke, it was in very poor taste.


If a girls said that it would be sweet. Just saying...

btw, he was joking, I laughed and we're very happy together. He's the least controlling man ever. Thanks for the comments!