By DeadlyKitten - 20/02/2017 05:00 - United States - Springfield

Today, my cat followed me into the bathroom. While I was showering, he knocked over the storage shelf behind the toilet. The shelf was the perfect length to wedge the shower door completely closed. No one was home so I had to climb over my tall shower door all slippery and naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 153
You deserved it 716

Same thing different taste

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See the bright side, you must be quite fit to be able to climb over the door in these conditions. :)

That could of ended bad in so many ways... Glad you are ok!


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That could of ended bad in so many ways... Glad you are ok!

saffy66 34

Be glad it wasn't a floor to ceiling shower.

See the bright side, you must be quite fit to be able to climb over the door in these conditions. :)

this is a good story to tell the girl of your dreams

Jay18, the op owns a cat. The op is obviously female. ;-)

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'Cat's log - Day 481 of my captivity. Today I managed to trap my human in the wet closet. He managed to escape eventually, but I think I made a clear statement about me being the only one allowed to walk around naked.'

That sounds like a completely plausible way for me to die in the future

This is the only remotely sexy FML that ever involved a cat