By nhanley1 - 02/04/2009 17:07 - United States

Today, my cell phone broke. It wouldn't even turn on. I went online to access my account so that I could order a new phone. I couldn't remember my password. The phone company had an option of "forgot my password". Upon clicking I get a message saying "Your password will be sent to your phone". FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 695
You deserved it 6 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you have a SIM card in your phone, try popping it into a friend's cellphone who is on the same network (in case there are any hardware restrictions built into the phone). Then go back and have the password sent to your phone, and your life should be unfucked.

#3 and #4, you aren't very bright. I can see it now "Today, somebody stole a notebook where I had written all my passwords. Now I cannot access my e-mail, my bank account has been hacked, someone charged $5000 to my credit cards via PayPal and my phone has been compromised. FML" And to the original poster, either swap your SIM card into another phone or go visit/call your provider, this situation is fairly simple.


UnCensoredBitch 0

Call the cell phone co. they will give it to you! Oh and #6 - My cell phone company sends my password from the "forgot your password" link on the internet to me as a text! So your a dumbass!

You're. I can't even correct everything else wrong with this though.

#3 and #4, you aren't very bright. I can see it now "Today, somebody stole a notebook where I had written all my passwords. Now I cannot access my e-mail, my bank account has been hacked, someone charged $5000 to my credit cards via PayPal and my phone has been compromised. FML" And to the original poster, either swap your SIM card into another phone or go visit/call your provider, this situation is fairly simple.

ambisaurus 0

haha wtf why would they do that the company! I mean, I guess this is kind of ironic but I don't see why it's an FML...

yeah..i was gonna say switch the sim card to a friend's phone and get the password. ..unless you have no friends. then fyl for having no friends @-@

@ 19 that wouldnt work, because he would have no way of proving he is who he is. It would most likely require an in store visit, but not that big of an inconvenience.