By Anonymous - 23/09/2010 16:19 - United States

Today, my chemistry professor made us all leave our classroom mid-lab because the class was complaining of the smell, and he was worried that there was a gas leak from one of the Bunsen burners. There wasn't, but it's nice to know my "silent but deadly" smelled like it might actually kill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 926
You deserved it 37 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Blue_Coconuts 7

You should try going to the bathroom instead of ripping one in class...


the_pure_100 0
pin_up_666 0

dude I would so own that one if your teach that it was toxic

Hopefully next time you do a wintergreen lab so counter the smell...

Norther 1

yeah, that's why it's called silent BUT deadly ;)

Christopher08 0

Damn what's up with that you got something dead in your ass

terror_twins 0

hahaha. First of all, gross. Secondly, Lmfao.

third of all get a lower cut shirt so we can see ur ****