By Yoooooo0 - 29/11/2009 18:10 - United States

Today, my dad and mom and I were going out to eat dinner. My dad wanted a romantic dinner just with my mom so he told me to make an excuse not to go. I did, which ended up as a huge fight, grounded and phone taken away. My dad just stood there in the background putting thumbs up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 061
You deserved it 3 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_vik 0

What the hell did you say to have that happen?


Lol! you're dad sounds amazing it's your mom whose the mean one! talk about an overreaction.... !!

shadowskater 0

when they get home tell him he owes you this happened to me my dad payed me $75 the next day he gave me my stuff, you will most likely just get your stuff back though

sounds to me like you should have come up with a better excuse.

Don't feel bad.. you did it for your parents! :D

sugarcoated 1

Awww, I've actually been through the exact same situation. D= I didn't get my phone taken away or anything like that, but I got told I was ruining her Birthday etc. and the silent treatment for a few weeks. Dads suck!

you should have asked your dad what he would give you. A new cell phone perhaps?

mad_hatter0666 22

well a lot of people on here have dumb parents