By chestycough - 16/09/2013 04:35 - Australia - Belrose

Today, my doctor asked me to undo my bra so he could check my breathing without the straps restricting my lungs, I got home and told my friends how awkward it was. Not one of them has had this happen to them before. We all go to the same doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 942
You deserved it 5 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

just creepy. change doctors and take appropriate action.

Considered that maybe your bra was tighter than your friends? Don't always jump to the worst conclusion.


Sounds like he's been diagnosed with the love bug!

I'm pretty sure this man has seen his share of boobs and could care less. Or he could in fact just be trying to be creepy.

It's not like he pulled your shirt up and made you flash him or something.

At least you know you're the prettiest one in your group.

Maybe not one of them has gone to the doctor because of an issue that required it? This FML needs more detail. If you went in with a chest infection or something, I think this is completely understandable.

lou_knee 6

The OP's nick is chestycough, so yes I think it was likely that she needed a resp exam.

YDI. For thinking it was normal practice, switch Dr.'s :)

Ask for his female nurse or assistant to sit in on the exam if you feel uncomfortable next time.

perdix 29

You just might be the only one who wears such a tight bra. On the other hand, you might have the prettiest ******* and he just had to see them! You should be happy to have medically-approved boobs ;)

I study medicine and we've learnt to ask the patient to take her bra off. It's much easier to listen and there are less distractive sounds. Most doctors don't do it, except with lung issues when they want to hear everything as clear as possible.

How Is this **** Worst case scenario, OP has nice jugs That's irl, not ****