By nl4 - 01/11/2013 23:55 - Israel - Tel Aviv

Today, my family got together for a big game of paintball. My grandpa wanted to play too, but I told him he was a bit too old for such a rough sport. He joined anyway, and spent the whole 2 hours hunting my dumb ass down. I'm now in constant pain after being riddled with paintballs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 903
You deserved it 56 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XDsmileyDX_fml 24

Flashbacks from 'Nam. Getcha every time.


Don't tell an elderly person what not to do. Lesson learnt I hope?

I think we forget how hard our previous generations worked and fought... If he can still hunt you down it says a lot about his skill in warfare...

NodakN8V 25

Take a strong dose of man the **** up and you'll be alright. Maybe you need to step up your paintball skills.

JohnnyBravo2 3

You live in an entire country populated by Badass Grandpas, starting with Moshe Dayan.

RenoTheRhino 30

If your grandpa is fit enough, I'm betting he could maneuver around the "battlefield" just as well as anyone else in your family. Even if he has any physical problems with his body, he could still camp! ;) Also, paintball isn't necessarily rough as long as you have the utmost padding and best helmet!

Let the old man have some joy in his life!