By badsinger - 04/06/2010 09:38 - New Zealand

Today, my fiancée told me she was having a bad day while we were lying in bed. Just as she was about to fall asleep I thought it would be sweet if I sang her a song that her Mom sang to her when she was a child. Instead, I was told to shut the fuck up and that I sucked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 069
You deserved it 15 536

Same thing different taste


donkey punch that ungrateful bitch square in the piss flaps

goddessunleashed 0

Even if your singing voice isn't up to par (and I doubt she's an expert), it's still cute when a guy sings stuff to you. Silly female. :)

**** her ungrateful, no good, ****** up day, ignorant ass. Next time tie her up nd put some tape on her mouth so she listens without saying one word. lol

Jacks_Penguin 0

I can't stand people who do this. Just because you are having a bad day, does not mean you need to bring others down to your level.

DiNgO_lOvE 0

i cant say ydi cuz thats really sweet=)

loski87 4

lmao singing right before she was going to bed was a bad idea... obviously, but kudos for trying!