By Terry - 13/07/2009 04:28 - United States

Today, my friend called to say my boyfriend was at a diner with another woman. I immediately went and caught them in a deep conversation. I slapped him and yelled "Who's this bitch!?" It turns out she's his half sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 612
You deserved it 88 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you slap him before you ask who the girl is? YDI.


PurpleHaze23 0

At least he found out you are an overcontrolling bitch with trust issues before he got any more serious.

Someone forgot to take her Midol in the morning, huh? Seriously, you hit him for sitting at dinner with a woman... She could have very well been a friend, someone from work, etc. YDI for being a psycho.

I guess you could say the bitch slap bitch slapped you.

I don't believe this is true, but in the off chance that it is, your boyfriend deserves better than you. stupid ****

Lol stupid woman jumping to conclusions. I'd dump you on the spot.

Ok someone deleted their comment saying how Im never going to find anyone lmao.... Im married. Happily..... We're just OPEN with each other to avoid these kinds of fights, I have guy friends, he knows when I see them, or any other friends or family for that fact, and vice versa, it's not like we don't keep in touch, it isnt hard to send a text or something, weather its family or friends, your spouce should know where you are, who you are with, its only normal.

It's a little different when you live with somebody. For example, if I am going out, I'll let my boyfriend know, because he sees me leave, and if I don't come back when I say, he'd worry. However, if we were still living apart, and one of my guy friends called and was like "Hey, I'm going to Chilis, wanna meet me there?" I wouldn't call my boyfriend, because he doesn't need to know. You can't assume just because it isn't somebody you know it's cheating. What if it was a coworker on a lunch break or something?

5000 0

...that's kind of creepy. No offense and all. Is it really necessary for people going out to know what their SO is doing 24/7, honestly?

FreedomFirst 0

well even when we were dating we told each other where we were... We talked on the phone every chance we got and if not we were texting... If he was busy with his friends i wouldnt bug him and vice versa, but he would tell me where hes at... Im sorry but unless its a new relationship... I dont see why they don't have the right to know? If you're in a relationship, youre committed, not just looking around and having fun, if so, you should be single.

Going out to dinner with a friend has nothing to do with a lack of commitment. My boyfriend doesn't even have a cell phone, so I could never expect him to call me 24/7. I do tend to know what's going on, because yeah, we do talk, but I'm not going to get my panties in a bunch if he went out to dinner and didn't tell me. Chances are he'd tell me about it after the fact if I'd ask him what he'd been up to. It's called trust. Just because we can now be contact 24/7 via cell phones does not mean we can't trust our SOs.

NonchalantSavant 0

1) He should dump your insecure ass. 2) You need better "friends." 3) You'll ignore this and keep doing it over and over again in subsequent relationships until you end up alone and bitter.

Yeah, I would dump you, for sure, after that little number, dumbass. I hope she hit you back.

wolfie2394 0

Wow You seriously need to think before you act. He is not necessarily trying to screw around with every other girl Learn it Live it