By FuckLife - 11/02/2012 13:41 - Australia

Today, my friend's kid chased me with a rusty, sharp tent peg and threatened to kill me. When I finally got him to calm down he ran off to his room. Later, I found the tent peg under his pillow with a note that said my name. My friend thinks it's hilarious. I am staying here for a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 461
You deserved it 2 487

Same thing different taste


lizard399 0

"Ha ha, oh don't worry about him. He's only messing around, quite the little jokester" "He was trying to kill me with a rusty tent pin.." "Maybe he just needs a nap, kids get a little cranky sometimes" This would be a funny comic.

rmr0011 8

You were completely buried the moment you ran in the first place. Now he knows you're scared.

Just tell him the bogeyman will kill him in his sleep.... Jk

JMichael 25

Shove that tent stake up his ass the next time he comes near you. Guarantee he won't threaten you again.

Take it and leave a note under his pillow in it's place stating "Now the tables have turned... I'm going to kill... YOU!" he won't fall asleep.

Chase him around with a rusty tent peg?

kayla92113 0

wat is a tent peg. It sound sad. Good luck. U r still alive if u were able to text this. Just a couple days to go.

What sounds sad is your comment. What is with your spelling? And a tent peg is the thing you hold the tent down to the ground with. Part of it usually connects to the tent, and the other part goes into the ground.

Please, may, I whip yo whip yo kid, may I whip yo whip yo kiiiiiiddddddd