By Anonymous - 12/02/2013 18:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I both developed food poisoning from last night's sushi. Our apartment has one bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 304
You deserved it 3 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SystemofaBlink41 27


asnakelovinbabe 16

Easy. 1. Strap a bucket to your head. 2. Allow your GF to sit on the toilet. 3. Sit on a bucket, facing her. You can puke into the toilet between her legs, and she can puke into the one strapped to your head. Problem solved.

That is repulsive. Although, congratulations for trying.

asnakelovinbabe 16

It is pretty repulsive. That was exactly my intention. Apparently people on FML aren't too fond of that level of repulsive... But it's cool :)

Mr_Que_Dijo23 5

It'll be alright if you have that air freshener that gives you erections

iammeorami 25
TheElBurrrito 21

Sounds like an "all natural" butt plug.

And this is why fish belong in the sea. Alive.

Fish gotta swim, people gotta eat. But people eating is more important. Capture ALL the fish!

I like fish, but cooked. I suppose even cooked fish can get you sick if not stored or prepared right. I just find raw fish nasty blahh

If sashimi is prepared correctly, it's perfectly safe. I've never been sick from sushi, and I eat a crazy amount of it. Also, sushi doesn't necessarily include raw fish. I've been out for sushi and everyone got sick but me. Why? MAYONNAISE. I'm allergic to eggs, so I don't order any with mayo. That's usually sketchier than the fish.

Eksyneet - Vegan? Are you kidding? The best thing on a plate is a bacon cheeseburger. I just hate fish.

Happyhighs1 3

Well obviously the stronger more cunning one will win rights to the toilet. Have fun pooping outside lol.

Be a gentlemen - let the girl use the toilet, use a bucket yourself.

Go to the sushi restaurant and use their toilets (assuming you didn't make it yourself)

dontpanic_fml 32

These are the times when anything that has a drain must be used.

Time to take your relationship to the next level... Good luck.