By Anonymous - 14/11/2010 00:45 - Germany

Today, my girlfriend and I were lying in her bed. We fooled around and were about to have sex as she suddenly began to cry without any reason. She cried for 30 minutes until I finally managed to calm her down. She said there was no reason for her crying. Then she fell asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 135
You deserved it 5 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pipity147 0

she was molested that happened to me and that was why


you should fart for about 30 minutes then stop then tell her there was no reason for it then fall asleep :)

trying to force out farts for thirty minutes may cause you to shit yourself.

logandean 0

hahahahaha that's perfect. ;)

CashMusicNet 0

most def you might fail on farting and thus making hot brownies in the sheets. A NO GO my friend lol

perdix 29

The reason is that your penis is too tiny to give her pleasure, and she didn't have the balls to tell you the truth. You should hang on to her since you don't have any, either.

maybe shes upset cause she's jealous he has balls. maybe the tranny that castrated itself online for people to watch can give her it's left overs.

twinny_sc 13

You obviously don't get it. She cried and fell asleep because they probably have a ridiculously horrible sex life. Or his penis is microscopic. Or she's lesbian? Combo of 3?

Than =/= Then Also. I've cried during sex before too. Well, more afterwards after I finished.

Draminicaus 0

^ Redundancy ^ :P Sorry, had to. Admit it, you want to punch me in the face right now. lol


the thought of having sex with you made her cry. it couldn't be worse. FYL

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or it'll get you punched in the face, not every girl wants things being shoved in her ass.

teggman93 0

she right my gf like that too it sucks

Pipity147 0

she was molested that happened to me and that was why

funzcpl 0

seriously? I'm so sorry that happened to you. it's something that you never get over, huh?

DudeImBetter 0

I think he said that this situation happened to him, not getting molested.

Yes, because every time a girl cries before having sex, it's because she was molested. I'm very sorry it happened to you, but that scenario is usually the exception, not the rule.

I thought this post was funny until I saw this

amazinggbaby 2

It could be a sign of depression, but that sucks op.