By Tucker - 18/11/2009 21:35 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were sitting downstairs with my mom. We heard the dog running around upstairs and called it down. It came running down the stairs. With a used condom in its mouth. The same condom my girlfriend and I lost two weeks ago. It put it directly in my mom's hands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 453
You deserved it 8 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gollygoshers 0

How the hell do you LOSE a condom? Did you try to throw it out a window but it fell halfway through the process or something?

perdix 29

And the dog said, "Here, boss, here are your grandkids!"


oh my god. this is nearly identical to what happened to me and my boyfriend!!! i didn't know that in order to try to hide the condoms from my parents that my boyfriend wasn't throwing them away, but instead hiding them in a victorias secret bag in my room... when i was at work, my dog found it in my room and brought it to my dad... i'd lied to my parents recently about not having sex in their house... my dog found 4 more... =/ i'm sorry dude, that's gotta suck!!

mdrouch 1

That happened to me too...She held it up in front of my bf and said "What is this?".... thinking he could play it off he said "Ew gross i have no idea!!!!". Needless to say she didnt believe him.

IamMe95 5

I think the FML is what happens to you AFTER the fact -.-

Your mom should be proud that she raised a child that is smart enough to use a condom