By Anonymous - 28/12/2012 04:31 - United States

Today, my girlfriend donated most of my book collection because she got me a Kindle for Christmas. Some were signed, including my Harry Potters. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 090
You deserved it 4 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oj101 33

Muggles... What do you expect from them?

WHY do people think it's okay to get rid of things that do not belong to them without the owner's consent?!


Oh, the advantages of having chosen a literate mating partner!

It still shows a complete disregard for boundaries. We're supposed to learn this lesson when we're three: don't touch what isn't yours without permission. It seems there are too many people who decide that what belongs to their partner automatically belongs to them, and if they deem it "childish," "impractical" or "space inefficient", they have the right to get rid of it immediately. It's marginally more understandable if the books were taking up a lot of space that was urgently needed, but you STILL discuss it beforehand - my books take up a lot of space, but anyone who got rid of them behind my back would probably not be in my life for long. Especially since it seemed that she was so cavalier about getting rid of the books that she didn't bother to check for anything "special" about them - even if the books weren't signed, they might have been written on by a friend of family member giving it as a present.

jeragonm 15

What the crap do people think they are doing when they give away other people's stuff? They are so rude. I feel your pain OP, I don't know what I would do if my HPs where donated, especially my signed books. It's not like you have an infinite punt of money to rebut book.

Roskosity 22

That's awful!!! Where did she donate them? (I want)

I would die then come back as a zombie and eat her. No one throws out Harry Potter. NO ONE.

Shadowvoid 33

There is just some shit you don't do. "I just got my boyfriend and e-book reader, now i can give away all of his books..." Books cost money and it makes sense to keep them instead of re-purchasing them for a kindle.

I have never been more personally hurt by a FML post. Don't people understand the love some people can have for books? "They're just paper put together, what's the big deal?" I always want to punch someone in the face when they say shit like that. :/

This is when it's okay to slap a ho'. I have a kindle and I still buy paperbacks from time to time kindle isn't exactly cheap for everything and why rebuy a book you have? Dumb bitch.

teeduhb 5

Oh my god SHE SOLD BOOKS SIGNED BY OUR QUEEN?????? My heart is broken.

crazytwinsmom 25

I've been married 18 yrs and would still never get rid of something of his without asking. When we do a major clean up around the house, we and the kids are asking each other 'is this yours and do you still want it?'. All about respect and communication.