By hwood - 09/09/2009 16:53 - United States

Today, my grandmother was sent to the ER. My family blamed it on her being allergic to my cats, making me feel guilty. She just called me to tell me the test results informed her that she is actually allergic to the carrot cake they got her. I gave my cats away 15 minutes ago to a little girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 513
You deserved it 8 230

Same thing different taste

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YDI. You shouldn't have given the cats away until you were sure that was the cause.

Aw, well you can't exactly go back to the little girl and ask for your cats back. I would suggest maybe getting a new kitten? I know it won't be the same as your other ones, but at least it's something.


Aww, but don't worry, you can get new cats. I know it won't be the same, but it's something. I wish I was that little girl - I want moar kittehs!

Aw, well you can't exactly go back to the little girl and ask for your cats back. I would suggest maybe getting a new kitten? I know it won't be the same as your other ones, but at least it's something.

actually you can... it's called bribing with money.

shepaintsmusic 6

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In theory you can be allergic to nearly anything that isn't already in your body. An allergy is simply your immune system attacking something it thinks is dangerous, but actually isn't. The most common cause is not encountering something before one's immune system fully develops. Although I would bet that it was the carrots OP's aunt was allergic to, not the eggs.

I don't think the OP's aunt was allergic to anything.... but as for Grandma, there are tons of ingredients in carrot cake, like nuts and stuff that Grandma could be allergic to..

YDI. You shouldn't have given the cats away until you were sure that was the cause.

Indeed. YDI for giving the cats away. Even if they WERE the cause, it's still not worth it. Grandma presumably doesn't live at your house, so it'd make more sense to just visit her from now on.

spiffles 0

agreed-why on earth would you give them away??? clearly they must not mean that much to you.

the_stereotype 0

i think the family was probably bitching at her and guilted her into giving it away but hey, at least now you know it wasn't your fault, right? killing your grandma or giving your cat away to nice people? i'd pick the second

#44, she gave her cats away AFTER her grandmother went to the ER, and she got the results of the allergy test before her grandmother came back again, so that was never a choice she had to make. I think it's a partial YDI, because the OP shouldn't have been so hasty to be guilted by her family. I wouldn't even consider giving away a pet because of rumors in my family about allergies. And even if the allergy tests proved that it was a cat allergy, the OP could have decided to visit her grandmother instead of inviting her over. The family deserves most of the blame for this, because it was extremely bitchy of them to demand that the cats be removed. It's not unreasonable to expect that a person over 60 knows their own allergies and informs the people around him/her, or at least avoids things that cause the allergies. Sorry for the rant, I really should have better things to do on St Patricks day.

playfuldesk 0

Cats suck they have the same smell as old people

Dude, you can still get your cats back, your happiness is more important than some little girls', and the cats are barely settled in/the girls are barely attached to them. Go, before it's too late! I'm sure their parents would understand if you explained the situation.

omgyoukilledkeny 0

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another person saying that, ON THE INTERNET?!

Catto-Golden 23

You better beg the cat overlords for forgiveness

you couldn't wait until you heard the result? fycl(**** your cats life).

Ouch... well... look on the bright side... you gave a little girl years worth of happiness.