By Anonymous - 12/02/2014 17:26 - United States - Louisville

Today, my in-laws kept mocking me for being "too clean" because I take a shower every day. They think I'm weird and kept saying things like "Be careful when you hug your daughter, she might squeak!" and calling me names like "water-wasting bitch." They haven't stopped all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 228
You deserved it 4 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TGKat 13

I think your in-laws have yet to escape medieval times and come to the present, OP. FYL

XBurytheCastleX 25

For a present, give them some body sprays and deodorant. Let them know they need it. Revenge


That's just ******* bullshit. There is nothing wrong with taking a shower every day. There are a lot of people that do that. It's called clean hygiene.

You must be married into a hillbilly family or something, either that or you're in CA where water is restricted lol. Sorry for that

Even when I lived in Mexico where we'd go weeks without water sometimes, we'd still have daily showers. Just saved up water in jugs and have a sponge bath.

This is one of the few FMLs that made me say, "the ****..." Seriously, most people take showers every day... Unless they are kids. Just ignore them and if they don't stop tell your husband you don't want them visiting anymore.

Aww that's horrible. It just means you keep up with yourself.. I feel even worse for you because you have to smell them while they make those jokes.

If the worst thing they can think of to say about you is that you have good hygiene, you should take that as a huge compliment.

My question is why would your spouse allow them to insult you, ALL day? My baby has my back, and that's the way it should be. IMO.

i bet you brush your teeth everyday too, dont you? smh. how dare you!? ^.^

I shower every day also. They must be gross if they dont. Smelly also