By wildthing - 01/07/2009 19:33 - United States

Today, my mother woke me up by saying "Good morning my sexually aggressive daughter. We're going to have an extremely uncomfortable conversation today." Our awkward talk consisted of her telling me that I'm a tease and am going to get raped. Why? She caught me making out with my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 598
You deserved it 7 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deliciouskaek 1

That's not okay. That is seriously NOT okay. Verbal abuse, FTL.

spiffles 0

I'm pretty sure that making out does not = slutty.


aaaaa12345_fml 0

you should get raped just so you'll respect what your mom tells you

inkiepie 0

wow... well, you should be a little more careful where/ when you make out with your bf. And maybe the reason why she's overly protective of you is, becuse ur younger than 14? perhaps? maybe.. If you are then maybe you should slow it down.

Lol if my mum caught me making out with my boyfriend, she'd probably call me a ***** and ban me from seeing him. Least your mum said something witty & amusing.

i agree with #188, she did say something witty. on another note, your mom sounds like my mom. i'm moved out now, and one day, it will be the same case for you.

hahhahahahah :D that seriously made my day. your mom is hilarious :)

whyowhy26 3

# 126 says it all. OP i feel your pain. i wanted 2 go out with a bunch of frenz [both boys and girls] to a movie. my mom gave me a big lecture on how i would never get married because everyone would think of me as a **** for being in a group with boys =/ sigh.

X_totallysucks_X 0

Looking at your user name makes it hard to sympathize. You may not like it but take her words to heart. You may appreciate it one day.

She's probably right. You're most likely a *****, and will most likely get what you have coming.

Lol, at least your mum has a sense of humour