By stolenbike - 14/06/2009 17:28 - United States

Today, my motorcycle was stolen from the 4th level of my “secure” gated parking garage. I strategically park it tightly between my car and a concrete wall to limit theft opportunity. They scratched my car trying to get it out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 845
You deserved it 3 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aero_fml 0

@$6 **** that if I had a bike there's no way in hell I'd be taking chances. FYL for sure.

I'd sue the parking complex if they advertised "secure" parking....


Redneck325Ci 0

#51, How is it that you're judgmental and stereotypical? You assume that I am poor because I live in sticks? You're a dumb ass. Because farmers that live in sticks and make hundreds and thousands of dollars are poor, right? Congratulations on thinking you made something of yourself. Your personality and judgmental views shows just how much of an idiot you are. I could care less that you have a European car and can travel when you want to. Anyone can do that. As for trying to talk down to you, I wasn't. I was simply stating the facts that you pay thousands more to live in a 3 gated community to feel "safe", that I pay a lot less for and still feel the same way. Don't assume, it makes you look like an ass.

[quote] contains a daily dose of short anecdotes, based on a simple recipe: in a few sentences, users can tell everyone the shitty moment which ruined their day.[/quote] According to the FML faq his post qualifies...shitty moment which ruined their day. So it clearly is worth. Also man that sucks

I totally understand your story. You live in a gated community and you park your car in a garage...with four levels. It's not rocket science. That doesn't necessarily means he's 'rich' and deserves to have his bike stolen. It sounds like he lives in an apartment complex in the city, where parking is obviously an issue. I don't know what you have done in regards to your bike being stolen, like reporting a theft or w/e, but I would keep my eyes open. It sounds to me like the person that stole your bike could be someone you know, maybe someone who lives in the gated community. I only say this because who else would have seen you park your bike in front of your car? When you say 'secure' I don't know if you're being ironic or serious, but if you're being serious...then again, it could be someone who lives there because they would need a code to get into the parking garage.... Anyways to make my long comment short, FYL dude. No one deserves to have their things stolen.

#56 - at the end of the day you choose to live out in the sticks & make ignorant, uneducated assumptions about others. No-one is going to look down at me living the good life, but there are a lot of people that look down on rednecks such as yourself. Have fun marrying your sister!

you may consider trying a lock. crazy invention. must have some purpose.

How do you drive a motorcycle and a car to work, and why the **** would you?

Ummm ever thought it might be the parking garage at his apartment or something? Think please.

chomppy107 0

Just because a person has a car and a motorcycle doesn't mean their rich. Come on people don't be that stupid. I ride a motorcycle and have a car. kinda hard to go grocery shopping on a motorcycle...Idiots FYL man...thats a shitty feeling