By embarassinggg - 06/02/2013 18:57 - United Kingdom - Brighton

Today, my mum came to my ballet class. She spent the whole lesson sitting at the back yelling at me to "stop sticking your butt out." My ballet instructor had to ask her several times to pipe down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 551
You deserved it 2 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FlamingTacos 7

Sounds like she could go on Dance Moms

Maybe she should stop sticking her butt in your dancing.


perdix 29

Listen to your mom and find a new ballet school. If your butt is sticking out, the teacher doesn't know what the **** she's doing. If you like sticking your butt out, take stripper pole dancing lessons. You'll like it better, and so will I!

miyaviichan 27

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it just called pole dancing?

Lionesse 15

#48 Same thing. Pole dancing, stripper pole dancing, stick dancing, Pole slinger.. the list goes on. Point is, it has many names but the meaning is the same..

perdix 29

#79, was. I couldn't spin without getting dizzy. I was good at lifts, but I got a little excited when lifting pretty girls. Ballet pants for men are essentially Speedos with legs ;( The most indignation came from the ugly girls.

With your ass sticking out like that, it's kinda hard to get my pipe down.

hahatofunny 20

She should stop butting in to your ballet class

If you have parents like this, then you shouldn't invite them to your classes. Also you should probably hide location and schedule of your classes so they won't interfere.

Her mom probably wasn't invited, she was most likely her ride and just stayed. Her mom most likely pays for them. And parents can do pretty much whatever they want.

21, No, parents can't do "whatever they want". Check your local laws for more info. Plus it is possible to take part-time job and pay for your classes, if necessary.

23, It's not bad to want to watch your daughter to do something she likes. And it's not bad for the parent to know what their child is learning. Her mom telling her to stop sticking her butt out is just showing that she cares about what she's doing, even if it is annoying.

23- yeah, parents pretty much can. If they want to go to ballet class and be rude.. They can.. As long as you have a roof over your head, food, heat and their not abusing you.. They can go through your things, follow you around town, ect. Ect. Damn kids think their entitled to everything and need privacy all the time. I disagree.

OP can ask the instructor to talk with mom about boundaries and not interrupting class. Mom (and OP) could be banned from class if she doesn't shut up.

onorexveritas 23

pipe the **** down - jenna marbles

At least your mom goes to your classes... I did ballet for 6 years and my mom never even went inside the dance academy.

your face is a different color than your neck. try a tanning lotion. or lighter makeup. js

88, why did you feel the need to say that? that was kind of a bitch move (:

“PIPE THE **** DOWN!” ~ Jenna Marbles

Whyyyyy does everyone continue making Jenna Marbles jokes? If the person before you wrote the exact same comment its pretty ******* obvious that your comment will also be tumbed down. Also, Marbles isn't the one who invented that line, she just used it, so post your ******* fan shit on her YouTube videos, not here.

Destroy birth certificates and photos, move, change your name, claim kidnap, join a circus...

Dance moms are the worst. Especially mine.... I feel for you OP.