By sickbaby - 11/06/2011 13:06 - Singapore

Today, my parents grounded me and took away my phone, iPod and door. That's right, my door. They think that because I was stumbling and couldn't walk straight last night, I must have been out drinking. They know I suffer from chronic vertigo, but don't believe I was having an attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 391
You deserved it 3 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ShelbyyCakess 0
Jenna_Tell_Yuh 0

but you could go home drunk and they might think you were having an attack :)


how did you write on this if your iPod and phone were taken away?

#1 she has a computer #2 she used a public access computer #3 he used her friends computer

With this wonderful invention called a COMPUTER.

damn I'm so sorry! ugh I hate when parents don't believe their own kids! it's like wtf man! :P

spd2fst4u 5

please don't ever drive a car...

I think that when their not home take away the bathroom door and the parents door so everyone gets to suffer but leave the doors hidden somewhere they won't find it, so you can say "I give back your doors when you give mine back"

ydnar 5

I'm guessing your still in school if so tell your teacher you want to turn your parents into child protective services. It'll embarrass the hell out of them.


why do people say "oh that really sucks"? I'm sure the people posting their FMLs know it sucks. that's why they posted're not helping anything

Your comment didn't help anything either.

kitsune3 20

Missjmagic, IT'S CALLED SYMPATHY. No ******* duh. Think a little before bitching people out.

dude! my parents did the same thing to me, but only because I had one missing assignment the entire school year. I still had a 100% in that class.

MsMeiriona 2

.... what is the point of taking the door?