By Scholar - 16/06/2011 16:03 - United States

Today, my professor spent the entire class showing us how to make paper airplanes. I pay over 40 grand a year for college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 469
You deserved it 6 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments


justbigbs 6

Yup yup, I had my share of professors who suppose to teach me computer programming, half of them can't teach sh***, they expect you to do all the work and know it all when they don't even go by the text books or any useful notes. Then in NY teachers union crying about layoffs, I wonder why?

Ummm, college professors have nothing to do with the teachers union. Maybe, you should ask your high school for a refund.

maybe he's into teaching with alternative methods :p

yourbudtravis 0

he might just be having a bad day and didn't want to have to deal with much :/ I kind of feel bad for him more than you.

#117 Hardly relevant in the end. Whoever pays, this lecturer is wasting their money.

KLern 0

uhhh probably should have walked out of that lecture...

JesterMarcus 0

Is it really you paying for college, or is it mom and dad?

Proof that $40k + a year does not mean you're getting a quality education.