By ginya - 07/06/2016 01:58 - United States - Bedford

Today, my sister asked me to let her dog out of the kennel when I got home. I did only to have the little beast bite me. She then ate the entire content of the cat's litter box, which she couldn't keep down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 474
You deserved it 1 082

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It had to get the taste of you out of its mouth by any means...


It had to get the taste of you out of its mouth by any means...

mds9986 24

Yeah that might have been cat-astrophic

Dogs. Always little *****, aren't they?

are you talking about your sister or her dog ?

I will show this every time someone tells people to hate cats, dogs are better, get a dog.

My god, the stench of that must've been fit for the depths of hell.