By Minou - 16/03/2013 05:41 - United States - Williamsburg

Today, my social anxiety got so bad that I spent an entire raffle game desperately praying that I'd lose miserably, just so I wouldn't have to go up on stage and accept it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 325
You deserved it 5 843

Minou_fml tells us more.

I didn't enter the raffle on purpose! It was a work event, and they gave us a ticket when we came in the door without telling us exactly what it was for. They had us rip them in half and keep one, then put the other in a container. I thought it was for attendance, or the food, or something. Then, toward the end of the event, they started drawing tickets and calling out the numbers on them for various prizes.

Top comments

Lose miserably in a raffle? That's pretty bad anxiety attacks, maybe next time not enter the raffle or not be around enough people to have a raffle


Lose miserably in a raffle? That's pretty bad anxiety attacks, maybe next time not enter the raffle or not be around enough people to have a raffle

I didn't enter the raffle on purpose! It was a work event, and they gave us a ticket when we came in the door without telling us exactly what it was for. They had us rip them in half and keep one, then put the other in a container. I thought it was for attendance, or the food, or something. Then, toward the end of the event, they started drawing tickets and calling out the numbers on them for various prizes.

Yeah, I use this app a little too much...

I have the same problem, as well as I freak out when I get phone calls so I don't answer or I miss them coz it takes me that long to work up the courage to answer it

I see... It might help to think others there are anxious aswell, if that fails just get drunk it Paddy's weekend!

You can always have someone else go on stage to collect... Or give the ticket away to another.

I find it ironic OP. you have social anxiety when near people, but you do fine on FML. was just thinking

FML is anonymous. You're not actually dealing with a social situation when posting on here.

Helldemon 32

#12 Yet idiots are still asking why she entered a whole day later lol.

Honestly it sucks to be you. I couldnt imagine having anxiety that bad. Thats real shitty

So your misunderstanding worked in your favor then. At least that's good! And kudos for going to a public event with SAD! :)

I will do the same thing. I'll get physically sick just thinking about going to places like that. Sucks OP.

Bro it's ok. Mine can get bad too. Just hold it in and when you get home,lose it. ;) Hope it helps!!

You should talk to your doctor. I just recently got medicated for my anxiety and I've never been happier. I don't know what I was so afraid of but, I finally don't feel like I'm standing on the edge of a cliff all the time anymore, waiting for that next panic attack. It was the best decision I have ever made for my life and my relationships have improved from it. Best of luck to you though.

aalijahraj 10

And you lost!!! Man up dude......It will get better like for most of us

Shorty777 4

You can't just 'man up' to social anxiety.

Ultimate_No 7

I have social anxiety, and I "man up" when I know I need to. It's not easy, but there's times when things need to get done.

#40, it sounds to me like your supposed social anxiety is self-diagnosed, and is just a little fear, not social anxiety. People with social anxiety can't just 'man up', as you put it, but they tend to get really worked up and have anxiety attacks, even to the point of fainting.

It's one of those, if that works for you, bravo. But you can't expect everyone else to do the same. Socially anxiety is nothing something to be taken lightly

So much ignorance in some of these comments. OP could have major anxiety issues and can't just 'man up'. She may have passed out on stage or something if she had to go up

Shit my editing time ran out, I'm going to be buried like, a dog buries his crap (my comment being the crap)

Dogs don't bury their crap, so are you really trying to not be buried?

#7/#28 - I think you're thinking of a cat.

I gotta get one of these crap burying dogs. My dog is selfish and just leaves it sitting there for me to pick up.

Neyuu 18

You should just stop commenting now.

My dog covers her crap. She is a doberman. Calm down cupcake, he has a point.

Hey, at least you didn't win, right? Yay for losing!

Nikkitaria 9

You know social anxiety is bad when you pray not to get any attention whatsoever, even for a prize. Luckily it gets better but you need to be willing to work on it.

I don't really know if "social anxiety" was even the right way to put it, to be honest. I'm really fine in one on one interactions, even with complete strangers, but crowds give me the heeby jeebies if I'm by myself. I've been working on it and getting a lot better, but in a group of 500+ people, I didn't want to walk up to the stage all by my lonesome to accept a prize.

I hear ya. I HATE large crowds. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable. You're a bit better off tho, as I am terrified of dealing with strangers :(

Out of 500 people, there were only 10 to 12 prizes to be won? Dang your job sounds cheap! Lol Since you're not shy when it comes to one on one interaction, you probably could have just asked your friend/coworker if they'd mind claiming your prize for you (had you won). I written a comment that my BF's job did the same raffling of prizes too. Some people at our table asked us to watch out for their number in case they were outside smoking, getting a drink at the bar, going to the restroom etc... It never became an issue because they returned in time but someone else could have gone up for them.(:

They were really good prizes, actually. There were 10 or 12 of them: $50 and $25 gift cards to places like Kohl's, Outback, etc, and then a $100 gift card to Lowes. Or Lowe's? I'm not sure about how that one's spelled, sorry.

Who doesn't like food or shopping? Work on your fear though. :)

trellz17 19

Once you start facing it, it'll only get better. Kick your social anxiety's ass or whatever I don't really care.

trellz17 19
trellz17 19

You're telling me like I don't that already.

oj101 33

Luck always defies what you want, so you probably will win OP.

Best way to get rid of a fear is to face it. Unless your afraid of chainsaws I don't recommend approaching a chainsaw.

I agree. I had crippling social anxiousness to the point I hated leaving my home. This started to really piss me off, (I'm a proud Leo) so I forced myself to get a job as a real estate agent. Was soooo scarey at first due to public auctions (big groups of people) and open homes etc, but because I had to literally sink or swim, it is so much better now!!! :)

I can understand the anxiety. I went to my BF's Home Depot Christmas party and they were raffling off prizes such as restaurant gift cards, DVDs, espresso makers, etc... 5 grand prizes were 55" TVs. In order to claim your prize, you had to go up while everyone clapped, shake the store manager's hand and pose for a picture. The spot light was on you and ALL employees won something. I'm sure a few were embarrassed to go up.