By ish0rty - 14/11/2011 08:42 - United States

Today, my social-awkwardness is so bad, I was actually proud of myself for managing to ask someone a question. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 045
You deserved it 4 994

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm just like that. But be proud! It's baby steps, and before you know it you'll be able to do anything :) I, unfortunately, am not able to ask a stranger a question yet. But once again, baby steps! Good luck :)


fricgm 6

well that's an achievement :)

GaleHawthorne 0

Sounds like Fluttershy needs a hug. ?

MustangFilly77 9

The sad thing in my life is that I feel this way a lot...but it's nice to know that I'm not alone :)

one step at a time. at least its progress

scotchnacid 4

Way to go , I have the same problem, I'm proud of u op

This isn't an FML, everyone has issues, be glad your getting over yours.

xForeverNever 6