By kansasgirl - 02/03/2010 18:21 - United States

Today, my two year old decided to run out the front door alone. I ran after him, tripped over the bottom of my jeans, fell onto the sidewalk and scraped up both my hands and knees. My neighbors just watched. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 763
You deserved it 4 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blueeyes24 0

Everyone saying that she should keep her child under control... It's not like you can reason with a two year old. All kids that little misbehave sometimes and run. That doesn't make her a bad mom. And the neighbors could have assisted with the running child to make sure he didn't run into the road.

rckchlk 0

okay i posted this comment about my two year old. first of all im not fat, and im a girl. we do not live in a trailer park. and the post was suppose to be funny, he ran down our flight of stairs out the door, and when i went to grab him i tripped over my jeans and scraped myself up. im not bitching about it or even asking my neighbors for sympathy. it was a funny incident! for godsake back off. obviously a lot of you have nothing better to do than write ridiculous comments on other peoples posts.


IAreNotANom 2

you lost 30,000 skin cells in the blink of an eye and the neighbors just ******* watched. sorry, i couldn't resist.

Can't really expect them to catch you mid-fall...

You should have pulled a peter griffen and been like ehhhh awwww ehhhh awww