By alekoi - 14/05/2015 03:15 - United States - Shelton

Today, my window broke and will not close. My room is in a wooded area. I've already chased out two squirrels and a bird and it's only been an hour. I'm afraid I'm gonna wake up like Snow White with all sorts of wildlife sleeping with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 631
You deserved it 3 063

alekoi tells us more.

Op here, and you guys are hilarious! I diddnt think this would get published! Thought I'd do I follow up. My room isn't actually attached to the house and because my parents think its too hilarious they wont let me come in to the main house, and they won't help me fix it. Lol but I did try to cover it with a blanket, and of course it rained. So now I'm soaked because my bed is directly underneath but hey no more wildlife! I did try to refrain from singing, and kept away from apples so I think I'm safe! But seriously you guys are all hilarious, totally made my day!

Top comments

Maybe don't eat any apples for the next few days...


then the dwarfs come in and ask wtf you are doing in their house

Sing a song and they will listen.

As long as a pasty white shovel face confused teenage vegetarian vampire doesn't wonder into your room and then choak up at the words coming out of his mouth I say you're okay.

magickiss87 22

Can always cover it- put up a blanket/towel and secure it around entire opening; move a tall dresser in front of it (put boxes on top of it to reach above the window)... etc. Wishing you the best of luck with the situation, Op!

momac86 17

Just sing to them and maybe they'll help you clean house

You should of thought about that before deciding you're going to be a serial killer in the middle of the woods.