By Erica - 09/12/2018 13:00 - Australia - Sydney

Today, not only did I find out that my 13 year-old daughter is pregnant, I found out that she did it on purpose "to prove that she’s responsible." FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 510
You deserved it 686

Same thing different taste

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take her to the doctor, and put her on birth control. babies having babies. sick. and while you're at it send her to therapy bc if she jumps to pregnancy to prove she's responsible, something is going on.

I hope you followed this up with showing her how responsible it is to get an abortion and use proper birth control. Before anyone jumps on me - no one wants a 13 year old having a baby.


I hope you followed this up with showing her how responsible it is to get an abortion and use proper birth control. Before anyone jumps on me - no one wants a 13 year old having a baby.

Stiggy626 25

Damn I'm surprised you weren't buried with negatives! haha dope 👏

ari330 21

she doesn't have to get an abortion though, my cousin was 13 when she got pregnant and kept the baby and her daughter is 26, graduated college, and is making six figures today. With the right support, the baby will be just fine, but people like you just go "too young, throw the baby away"

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Buddy, if a tween has a baby, the risks include permanent mutilation and death. It's not 'baby killing' so much as 'if the tween lands in a wheelchair, she may end up dying in the street because the US is ******, AND the baby probably won't survive anyway because she's not biologically capable of carrying to term'. Abortions come into play when you can only save one life. In most cases, that's the mother. Calling it baby killing and crying about it just ends with two deaths instead of one, now or later.

Itsbeenalong 5

And she's therefore old enough to learn what an abortion is and that it is a viable, legal option and should she choose it she will be supported and loved and not called a murderer by ignorant people.

Blunt person 16

Ok, so if a 10 year old is raped, and becomes pregnant, she has to keep it? Or any woman of any age for that matter?!

Not to mention the toll on a girl's body that young. And the risks. Shit, the kid hasn't even been a teen a full year yet! I'd be concerned about HER risk of death.


A child is not equipped to provide the emotional and functional care needed for the healthy development of children. When you make the decision to bring another person into the world, it's 100% your responsibility- when a child is "supported" in raising another child it means that adults end up taking over the responsibilities and obligations that the child parent isn't capable of. An incapable parent is psychologically damaging and detrimental to the development of children. This situation would be damaging to the 13 year old too- just look at what happens to parentified children.

Squidgegg 4

You can't murder something that's not really alive. If it can't survive independently outside of the mother, it's not a life.

take her to the doctor, and put her on birth control. babies having babies. sick. and while you're at it send her to therapy bc if she jumps to pregnancy to prove she's responsible, something is going on.

You do realize that if she’s pregnant it’s a little too late for birth control right?

I didn't know I needed to spell out get her an abortion and then get her on some B.C.

Mungolikecandy 19

The horse has already bolted on that one.

ViviMage 38

You shouldn't be on birth control WHILE pregnant!

I’d imagine she’d be getting an abortion first

Make her get an IUD. She won’t be able to get pregnant for 5 years even if she really wanted to again.

pins91 27

What part of, she’s pregnant, do you not understand

ViviMage 38

It's not fool proof and most of the time the IUD causes an atopic pregnancy in the Fallopian tubes.

Squidgegg 4

Actually, that's been largely disproved, though it used to be the common belief. While it's more common for a pregnancy that happens with an IUD in place to be ectopic than a regular pregnancy being that way, the amount of risk increase is extremely small.

Fickle 6

Damn, I thought raising my daughter was tough, good luck to you. Communication communication communication is all have to say.

It does say from Sydney Australia lol they are safe

Blunt person 16

Obviously, they are. Only Americans could be that stupid.

How como no one is talking about how that's probably statutory rape? Though I'm not sure how that works in Australia... Who's the father anyway? So many questions!

bl3ur0z3 17

Statutory rape is between an adult and a younger person so unless you're ASSuming the father is an adult, I'm not sure where you're getting statutory rape from.

I know, that's why I said probably and asked who's the father. Given the circumstances I think that there's a good chance this is the case since she's definitely gullible enough to be deceived and she wanted to get pregnant.

Leviathene 34

Trust me, in Australia it IS statutory rape at that age until age 16 I believe. There is a close-in-age exemption however. Whoever the father is, OP can still get the police involved.

bass_ftp 12

And if the guy is also 13, he can claim rape all the same right? I mean, equal rights and all.

SquirrellyGirl 20

If the woman is an adult and the boy is a child, yes it is rape. Rape is rape regardless of gender.

bl3ur0z3 17

I don't even know what to say here. She's off to a bad start and anything you do is going to be wrong. Find a friend with a baby and let her babysit for a week. Don't help with anything at all (unless the child's safety depends on it). Point out to her everything she's forgetting to do. At the end of the week, ask if she's ready for an abortion. If not, let your friend have their baby back for a week and then borrow the baby again.

vrynn1 16

Borrow a baby? Wtf is wrong with you?

Itsbeenalong 5

On what planet do you live on that you can just go around borrowing babies from people?! Like someone is just going to hand over their baby to a pregnant 13 year old to look after for a week!

Well, that sucks. But hopefully you’re able to put some sense into her. In my opinion she’s too young to be having sex and even more having a child.