By Shantoya - 17/01/2009 19:49 - United States

Today, the guy I've secretly been in love with for years told me how hot my brother is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 865
You deserved it 2 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, us gay guys hate it when chicks can't take a hint, lol!

it's always nice to no the love of ur life is gay


Liveanotherday 0

ROFL...wait, are you a guy or a girl?

Yeah, us gay guys hate it when chicks can't take a hint, lol!

Emma Marshall 19

Why not just tell them you're gay instead of dropping hints....

O_osigh 0

i can honestly say i know how that feels...

WinterPerfection 3

I believe a lot of us can relate to OP actually.

YDI for thinking you were in love with him

haha321 0

haha must have been a surprise

SasuNaru_fml 0

He's gay. Nice. Go find yourself another guy then. btw... did your bro get with him?? (Is thinking yeah.)