By op-poopy - 22/04/2011 14:26 - Canada

Today, the landlord of our building constructed a bathroom in the space under the stairs, outside my office, on the other side of a thin wall. He must have some kind of bowel disorder, because now I get to hear the sounds of his loud, wet and gassy pooping several times per day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 054
You deserved it 2 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL. That's pretty nasty. You should stand outside the bathroom and clap when he's done. Maybe he won't want to use the bathroom anymore after you do that a few times.


FYL. That's pretty nasty. You should stand outside the bathroom and clap when he's done. Maybe he won't want to use the bathroom anymore after you do that a few times.

try to feel better that its someone else, going through crap

At least be happy that your not someone who had to poop loudly, wetly, and gassily several times a day

Iwas going to say record a session, then leave it in the bathroom for him to find so he knows how easy it is for people to hear him... but I like #1 better. Nothing beats a slow clap.

mintcar 9

Talk to him about it? Maybe he'll take it into consideration the next time he gets on the toilet.

or start to ********** and make loud groaning noises too

lollipopluvr11 0

ya don't listen to her she sounds like angie from George lopez

Make a tally every time he goes then show him his score at the end of the week. If you turn it into a game it won't seem so bad.

No, he's getting a blumpkin. let him have his fun

uncbballwins 0

nice pic improvements boners

I bet it would cheaper than those stupid whale noise CDs to.