By monochrometea - 09/09/2011 02:07 - United States

Today, the only thing my downstairs neighbor wanted to talk about with me is how she can hear us go to the bathroom. She also claims that she can tell which one of us is going, based on the noise level. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 885
You deserved it 2 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time you're in there, howl in the toilet. That should throw her off ;)

Stonedmanalex 0

Thats strange, How would you react to that?


Stonedmanalex 0

Thats strange, How would you react to that?

EnEl_Infierno 15

By going to take a nuke and yell "Now that's a man's flush". (Hope someone gets the reference).

Bbhd05 0

I'd like to know how they started that conversation.

Start eating ghost-chili laced burritos OP. She'll WANT to stop listening.

Piss her off? Drill a hole through the floor with a 9-Inch drill bit and piss on her when she walks under or looks through it to see what the ***** going on.

28: I believe thats the most disturbing factor of the whole FML....

allenye818 2

I can hear my neighbors pee & shower. Their apartment above mine is identical so the bathroom is in the same spot. I was kinda freaked out at first but now I'm used to it. I don't understand why you would tell someone about it though...

She must also have a "Shit Log" of you guys. That's some creepy/excellent stalking skills she has there... or maybe she's just trying to scare you guys so that you won't make much noises?

Nevitt 9

@28: Hey! i just happened to be in the area... and i know what your Sh*t sounds like...

201Blackhawk 0

Next time you're in there, howl in the toilet. That should throw her off ;)

Tristyxxx 24

Excuse me, maddam, you may want to plug your ears...I'm taking a wookie!

...Also a good opportunity to practice bird mating calls!

dude, tht's talent . she can tell whose peeing ? :D

PocketRockette 0

she has superhuman hearing ablities, tell her turn hearing aids off....

enonymous 8

And how you need to eat more fiber.

hawaiianfire 0

Maybe if you eat enough Taco Bell, you'll fart loud enough in the bathroom to gross her out and make her stop doing that. Don't get me wrong though, I love Taco Bell.

takeapieandrun 9

If someone's gonna be a creeper like that neighbor at least keep it to yourself

ikickgingers 15

What's the point of being a creeper if you aren't providing shock value? No fun.

hopefully you and your wife have never gotten it on in there..