By CollegeGrad - 25/04/2009 06:39 - United States

Today, was my graduation from a prestigious university. In two days I start working at a hot dog stand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 758
You deserved it 16 924

Same thing different taste

Top comments

trilliamme 0

I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up doing something like this with my new shiny Bachelor's degree, too.


#3 you're retarded it has less to do with the prestige of the university and more to do with the performance of the student if you were a dumbass student it doesn't matter what school you go to you'll always end up at a ******* hot dog stand work harder and you can get a real job you loser.

Big deal, your life isn't over. I worked construction the summer after I graduated, and I am an engineer. This was by choice, but you should just enjoy it. No need to rush into a career, take a few months to go for the job you really want. I agree with several of the OP just be happy you have a job for now. Also to #39, unless you are in a Tier One business school I would probably hold my tongue, considering all of the MBAs in the unemployment line.

ellebell 0

hey the only job where you start at the top is when you're digging a hole...

vee_baby 0

For everyone who's guessing that OP has a degree in Liberal Arts or, more specifically, English Lit.. stop hating. I'm working for my BA in print journalism because I love to write more than anything else in the world. You don't major in something just so you can make money. If that's your reason for going in the medical/science field, then I feel sincerely sorry for you, and I hope your life isn't too miserable, nor your spirit too bitter to savage each day, wake up and trudge off to your job. Yeah, you have money. But are you happy? OP, I worked at McDonald's for 2 years in high school.. You need to be positive.. You'll be coming out with social skills, better patience and a good sense of the values of cooperation and teamwork. They don't necessarily teach you that in college.

Wow, the people who are bashing on this person not being able to get a better job have no idea how things are right now. I also recently graduated from a good university and basically could not get a job for about 4 months after graduation. I had great grades and excellent experience in my field and I *just* got a job (that's not even very related to my field and has crappy pay). If mommy and daddy aren't paying your bills then you take what job you can to survive, like the OP probably did. You take this for now and keep trying to get something better later. Also, us recent grads will know that you can apply for jobs like crazy but that's not going to change the state of the economy. There are so many people competing for the same jobs. OP, I sympathize.

xxaaaxx 0

what was ur major??!?! any degrees?!? that could explain a lot

ramdoodle45 0

by prestigious university, you mean community college lol