By Anonymous - 29/08/2011 05:15 - United States

Today, while at my boyfriend's cousin's birthday party, I was hanging around with his sister as I didn't know anyone. She was talking to some friends when one of them asked her, "So, is your brother still going out with that crazy chick?" Her answer was to introduce me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 466
You deserved it 4 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Respond by acting with grace. Taking the high ground works every time.

rein 8

that would be your cue to start acting like a crazy chick.


And? What's wrong with being a bit crazy? It's usually the 'crazy' people that have the most fun. So just go with it and have fun.

guckylynn 19

Its the quiet ones you should be afraid of.

Not necessarily, sometimes they're the most fun of all. ;p

simplylost643 0

26, Do you really believe that we should be encouraging anyone to act out their craziness? Having been stabbed by a woman before for trying to end a relationship amiably, I say no, we should not encourage crazy.

Fine, Simplylost, I'll rephrase my original sentiment. 'What's wrong with being the quirky and fun kind of crazy?' Clearly, bat-shit, psycho crazy is not something to be encouraged. I just happen to use the word 'crazy' to mean the good kind.

aFatFuck 0

It's the crazy people that say crazy people are fun. It's the quiet people that say quiet people are fun. It's the boring people that say boring people are fun. It's the retarded people that say retarded people are fun. And so on,

Maybe she meant crazy as in fun and spontaneous?

leadman1989 15

"Don't stop believing hold on to that feeling" Now that song is stuck in my head... nice :)

Nothing wrong with being a little crazy. Time to live up to your rep!

blackbelt25 12

"hey is your brother still going out with that crazy girl?" girl: yeah were still going out Them:...

Yung23 0

Did that make crazy chick angry?:)

Oh snap someone thinks your crazy I bet that cut you real deep (sarcasm)

Sad how some people can't take a complement. Wonder what she would have done if you said "Their is no way in hell I'd hit that."?

BrownSugar_fml 5

But you have a boyfriend not a girlfriend! Ooooo!

BrownSugar_fml 5

Oops, I didn't see that it wasn't the op's sister. Meh.