By Anonymous - 15/07/2009 00:37 - United States

Today, while at my boyfriend's house waiting for him to shower, his mother slams a pair of underwear on the table and tells me that if she ever finds something like that in her son's room again, she is forbidding him from seeing me. The underwear isn't mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 791
You deserved it 2 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's just shitty parenting, talk to your damn son, not his girlfriend.


Wow. That's awful. D: There's really not a lot you can do except dump the loser on the spot.

Hah, I doubt she'd believe you if you said they weren't yours. That conversation is running in my head...

very true, now ma pry thinks your a liar and a ****

rustyrox 0

You should have told her that the two of you should ask him about them together after he got out of the shower. Then you should have told her it's ok to forbid him from seeing you because he doesn't deserve you anyway!

Tell her that's not necessary, because it's not your underwear. Then leave.

mwbddh2 0

Moms can be tricky. She probably staged it because she doesn't like you. Wants you to break up with him because he's "cheating".

#50? i love you. solely for that comment.

I would've told the mom... "Oh, thanks! He keeps stealing my underwears to try on. Can you tell him to stop?" Then dump him. His whole family will think he's a perv.

Wow dump him before his mom males you dump him.

Huh. Why do the comments start at #26? Weird... Anyway OP, either he's a transvestite or a cheater. Either way you two definitely need to talk. Sorry to hear it, and what an embarrassing way to find out... :(

brendiz 0

maybe you got it all wrong? Maybe the mother plotted this in order to scare you?? hmmm