By Anonymous - 16/08/2012 21:09 - United States

Today, while at the grocery store, I saw my mother. I thought it would be funny to scare her by sneaking up and grabbing her ass. Not only was it not my mom, I left the place with a ban from ever returning to that store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 658
You deserved it 47 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is grabbing your mother's ass a normal thing for you?

Even if it was your mom why would you grab her ass?


RelaxImAtheist 0

That's weird...even if it is your mom

mimi809o 21

if she was your mom, why would you grab her ass in the first place??

first confirm it's your mom second just best not to grab anyone's ass third just say hello fourth better be glad it was not am ex...

mrsmaglietta 6

Only one thing to say here - you are a dumb ass.

KingCeltic77 18

Even if you did see your mom... Why would you grab her ass!?

What kind of child squeezes their mom's ass. The thought of that makes me want to vomit.

zuzupetalsYO 11

Why would you grab your Moms ass?

KingCeltic77 18

You sound like the offer-affectionate family in SNL.