By magzulism - 13/01/2012 15:30 - Reserved

Today, while coming back from skiing, a woman asked me if I could help her carry her stroller. I put my skis down and helped her. When I came back to pick my skis up, I saw two guys running away with my gear. You try chasing someone while wearing ski boots. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 093
You deserved it 3 500

magzulism tells us more.

Hey, OP here. I'm finally gonna answer some of your questions: 1. Yes, i do believe it was a set up. The woman and the thiefs were definitely working together. 2. They were old skis, I bought myself a pair of awesome new ones later :) 3. I didn't go skiing alone. I live in Switzerland and was helping a friend of mine -who is an elementary school teacher- as a skiing instructor for his 9 year old school kids. He teaches and lives in a tiny village about an hour from where I live, and since I don't have a car, I went there by train. So obviously i rode the train back home alone. The only good thing about the whole story is that I didn't have to carry my skis back home. ha. ha. Feel free to message me, if you have any questions.


Even walking in ski boots is tough...I'm sorry OP, that's terrible:(

*turns around and woman is gone too* FFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!!!

The sad thing is that the woman was probably in on it.. The world today.

^ so true. Just returning the support!

The93Canuck 0
Clamcreepy 7

That probably was a setup and you fell for it. Damn that's ****** up

I have been running in ski you know how painful it is trying to sit down with a cracked tail bone?