By walmart: first time, last time - 12/05/2013 16:37 - United States

Today, while I was out shopping, a fairly hideous-looking woman stormed up to me and accused me of ogling her, saying, "As if I'd ever date you!" Less than a minute later, she'd somehow managed to bully me into falsely admitting to it and apologizing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 170
You deserved it 14 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Stand up for yourself. Don't let yourself be bullied.

Bullied by an ugly lady? Come on bro.


You could've just shrugged your shoulders and walked away from the troll.

"I'm sorry troll, I can't understand your riddle and do NOT want to go across your bridge." Easy as that.

Haha, would love a brain that could give such sharp and witty comebacks in all stupid conversations.

#12 You totally get respect for the Monty Python Holy Grail plug...

... I'm quite sure Monty Python didn't pioneer that whole "troll under the bridge" folklore, and besides, that troll asked three questions, not a riddle.

She's hideous both inside and out. Ugh you should have punched her

why do people always suggest violence as a way to solve problems

because its a short term fix for long term problems

She....bullied you into confessing!?? YDI.

How does that even happen? If I don't want to talk to some stranger, I just walk off. Why would anyone let a stranger bully them? o.O

PiNkMoOn 9

you should've slapped her!

seriously people stop saying things like this

skyeyez9 24

I'm sorry ugly woman, I don't speak Walmart.

YDI, OP. Unless she's a Jedi or a Witch. In which case, run or burn her.

Come on OP! You can't let that happen..

The fact you're here calling her hideous and ugly while not having done anything at the time tells me all I need to know. Man up next time you won't regret it