By Anonymous - 30/09/2013 16:22 - United States - Union

Today, while in class, I had to sneeze. Not wanting to make a lot of noise, I held it in, only to instead let out a huge, long fart. Everyone, including the teacher, turned and stared at me intently. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 357
You deserved it 8 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stand tall with pride, that must've been one hell of a fart


TheDrifter 23

Better out than in op, better out than in.

Lmao. Ahahahahahaha I seriously can't stop laughing.

Holding in a sneeze can actually be bad for you (causing ruptured blood vessels, etc.) but I f you play little embarrassments like that off by being the first person to laugh, people around you are likely to start to laugh too. In a few minutes nobody would remember or care.

I'm sure they were just concerned if you were going to spontaneously combust or not.

A noisy sneeze would have resulted in at least one insincere "God bless you." Your alternative choice, many thoughts of damnation.

notsofriendly 17

Eh, probably was more entertaining than class. Consider it a performance and a favor.

ugh! worst nightmare. It happens a lot in school lol, especially in mine haha

ahahhahahaha....look. confident as possible like u did that purposely

i did the same thing in third grade. i just laughed it off and we continued what we were doing :) learn to laugh at yourself OP