By Anonymous - 23/08/2009 04:38 - United States

Today, while laying in bed trying to go to sleep, I listened to the chirping crickets and appreciated how soothing the sounds were. Then I realized I lived on the 8th floor of an apartment building. Turns out my brother's science project got into my room and multiplied... a lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 478
You deserved it 2 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, you could always get into his room and multiply... a lot. (;

There is some science thing involved with chirping crickets.. To convert cricket chirps to degrees Fahrenheit, count number of chirps in 14 seconds then add 40 to get temperature. Example: 30 chirps + 40 = 70° F To convert cricket chirps to degrees Celsius, count number of chirps in 25 seconds, divide by 3, then add 4 to get temperature. Example: 48 chirps /(divided by) 3 + 4 = 20° C Anyway, fyl.


Oh well. The worst part is just that they might get on your bed, or they'll leave their carcasses all about. Crickets aren't so bad.

lomzac10 0

Lol, I know what u mean. My little brother, (who I share a room with) keeps crickets to feed to his leopard geckos. Because he refuses to be careful when hes feeding them, a few always get out, and I repeatedly find them all over the house... Also, they get REALLY noisy when they're breeding...

homedoggieo 0

Well he could always get crocodiles to take care of the monkeys.

DeadMansCrack 4

Damn.Foiled again! I'll get you next time. -Mr. Cricket.

FAKE if you're a grown woman living alone in an apartment building how did your brother manage to get his crickets in there? were you having him over to stay and he just brought them? wouldnt you be more careful then?

#22 Who said she was a grown woman living alone? Not everyone lives in a house and some families live in apartment buildings.

um no this person was from NY a lot if families live in apartments

Gotta say FYL big time, because if this happened to me... yeah. I don't want to picture that.

you better be beating the shit outta that little pisshead....