By Lana - 20/07/2010 12:43 - Austria

Today, while sitting at my desk at work, a co-worker asked for my help. It was only after I had walked over to his desk, bent over, answered his question, and walked back to my stall, that I felt a breeze. My tube top had slid down across my breasts, revealing my bra to the entire office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 868
You deserved it 43 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Harajuku_Barbie 1

Why are you wearing tube tops to work?

hot damn! well, at least you're the most popular girl at work. (wait, you can wear tube tops to work?)


damn, if i were a girl i would of been like "SHIT!! WHAT DO I DO, WHAT DO I DO (think- what would jesus do)

BS! who wears a tube top to the office?!

sambobam 0

tude top to an office? in thinking it's not an serious jobbbb or you just the eye candy at your workkkk?

Dont wear a tube top if your boobs arent big enough to hold one up...

moon21_fml 0

Tube top at the office? Trailer trash.

cbroxs17 0

at least she was wearing a bra

scooter69 0

haha at least you'll be known at the office as the coworker who likes to flaunt her goodies lol ydi

kariabernathy 0

tube top at the work? you must be the office ****!