By HighasaCloud - 10/12/2016 02:38

Today, while typing at my desk, I leaned back in my chair to stretch my arms. A spider dangling from the ceiling must have been watching me since it had perfect timing on its descent right into my open yawning mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 632
You deserved it 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When Listerine inroduced a cinnamon flavored mouth wash, I thought, "Why the hell would anyone in their right mind want to set their mouth on fire?..." But now I get it.

How unlucky! I thought it was kind of a force of habit to cover your mouth when you yawn though? Maybe that's just me. But seriously, sorry OP. At least you'll know to cover your mouth in the future!


I wonder how many other people yawned when they read this.

cootiequeen4444 11

nope. && I'm never yawning again after this fml.

Reading this conjured the funniest visual of this FML

Why does this remind me of when spies or thieves lower themselves into jewellers and such in films when breaking in? Who knows, maybe he was a spyder! I apologise.

AznLuvsMusic 26

I yawned as I read this. Coincidentally, I also killed a spider lurking on my ceiling earlier this evening.

are average people inhale 8 spiders a year in their sleep

YDI. I like to think the spider was making a point about how you should cover your mouth when you yawn.

Show that bastard who's boss and eat it