Too much AO3 has warped your brain

By Anonymous - 07/09/2023 07:00 - United States - Montgomery

Today, I typed out "I WANT LEMONS" as a joke on Facebook. (For those who don't know, lemons are another word for raunchy, steamy fanfictions). My grandma saw the post, then gave me a whole bag of actual lemons. If she knew that I meant "sexy fanfiction", she would have a heart attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 98
You deserved it 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why would you even post that on Facebook? also how did you manage to time travel from 2004?

As someone who also reads and writes (well, wrote) fanfiction, I also would have assumed that you meant the fruit, because who Does That in public?


I think you're going to get a bunch of shitty cars, as if you're the automotive version of "We buy ugly houses!"

why would you even post that on Facebook? also how did you manage to time travel from 2004?

As someone who also reads and writes (well, wrote) fanfiction, I also would have assumed that you meant the fruit, because who Does That in public?

Good thing is, you won't catch scurvy. Argh matey!

Editors, you're thinking of, where they prohibit 'adult' content and you have to use codewords. On AO3, you can just tag '****'.

I must admit, I don't know a lot about fanfiction websites, I've only heard about it via YouTube creators like Lindsay Ellis and Sarah Z, but thanks for the info! The title would be too long if I changed it now!