Too much information, thanks

By Anonymous - 15/07/2023 18:00

Today, I’ve had to listen to my parents discovering that they were both cheating on each other. As I left, they were screaming at each other. When I got home, not only had they calmed down, they were openly discussing whether their other partners might be interested in foursomes or swinging. Ew. FML
I agree, your life sucks 898
You deserved it 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your parents are a real-life "Speech 100" meme.

I’m sorry but i laughed so hard at this scenario! Your parents are awesome 🤣


I’m sorry but i laughed so hard at this scenario! Your parents are awesome 🤣

Your parents are a real-life "Speech 100" meme.

Try not to think about when your mom gets DP'ed, does your dad get the vag or the asshole? You'll be ok if you don't think about this.

lalalaila777 24

its better than walking in on them while they're having sex, and also it's good they are learning to communicate about their sexual needs. think of it as inspiration to have open communication about your expectations and desires with your partner(s)