
By Anonymous - 14/08/2021 06:00 - Germany

Today, my mom was proud for making a positive change in her life. The change in question? She now throws away the smelly hair she combs out of the dog, instead of keeping it for unspecified later use. FML
I agree, your life sucks 825
You deserved it 56

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TomeDr 24

ANY forward momentum for someone dealing with mental issues is a good thing! Praise her and encourage her.

Doesn't the FML-ness of this story depend on the future use of said dog hair? If, for instance, she knitted the hair into wigs for cancer patients and tried to present them at the local hospital, they might banish her and your family from civil society.


Doesn't the FML-ness of this story depend on the future use of said dog hair? If, for instance, she knitted the hair into wigs for cancer patients and tried to present them at the local hospital, they might banish her and your family from civil society.

TomeDr 24

ANY forward momentum for someone dealing with mental issues is a good thing! Praise her and encourage her.

Wait...wasting perfectly good dog hair is a GOOD thing? What kind of topsy-turvy world do we live in?!?!