
By Noname - 05/02/2009 23:15 - United States

Today, I finally stood up to a bully who had been messing with me for over a year. His response? He picked up the chair I was sitting in and threw me across the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 190
You deserved it 4 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you were sitting in a chair when you stood up to this bully?

perstephane 4

I was bullied horribly, and you know what I did? Realized that grade school/high school is just a small part of my life that wouldn't matter later. And I was right. Two years into grad school, and I'm a perfectly functioning adult who understands that kids - gasp, surprise - aren't always the smartest or most empathetic bunch. I know it sucks. A lot. And I hated it while it was happening. But you have two choices - either be the bigger person and understand this won't matter forever, or be a bitter, obsessed person forever.


you were sitting in a chair when you stood up to this bully?

br00kr 22

Stop being a jerk. I have been bullied since kindergarten and Am now entering highschool. What you think is funny isn't and it really hurts. If you wanna laugh some more go pick on stupid people like you instead picking on the OP!

Maybe she sat down after standing up to him to show she was finished and he got even more pissed off

@97 Being bullied sucks. A lot. if you are telling 92 to shut up, I would be willing to bet that you have never experienced this kind of thing. Myself, OP, 92, and probably everyone else who has commented on this post has been bullied. If OP is allowed to rant and you don't say anything to her, why should you get to bitch at 92? If anyone needs to shut up, it's you.

My first thought was that the argument involved said chair and OP'S refusal to move, that's one situation where you could "stand up by sitting down"

#5 with bad decisions come bad consequences. Don't want to risk extreme retaliation? Choose not to be a bully.

Imdead 0

Ok, you guys who are talking about bringing bats to school are obviously kids who are being bullied or have been bullied before. The internet is good for being able to act big and bad tell people to do stuff like that, but in reality that's probably the worst thing you could do if you have any hopes for a future.

MissyKissy 0

No, I believe it was advice. Bad advice.

br00kr 22

I have been bullied and am still being bullied and if you bring a bat and try to threaten the bully you will get into even more trouble.

perstephane 4

I was bullied horribly, and you know what I did? Realized that grade school/high school is just a small part of my life that wouldn't matter later. And I was right. Two years into grad school, and I'm a perfectly functioning adult who understands that kids - gasp, surprise - aren't always the smartest or most empathetic bunch. I know it sucks. A lot. And I hated it while it was happening. But you have two choices - either be the bigger person and understand this won't matter forever, or be a bitter, obsessed person forever.

Or knock him the **** put that might work.

In other words, you pussed out and let people shit on you.

Or you just don't be a little bitch and you can knock them the **** out

don't pull a wang-chung and bring a gun to school. just impregnate his girlfriend (by any means necessary) and make sure he thinks its his. his life will be ruined. you win

Bringing bats etc to school probably isn't good advice, but neither is the "be a better person and realize it won't matter for long" as you're sailing into the nearest wall chair and all. Quietly taking your stomping isn't really an intelligent way to "deal with bullies"

Maybe he LITERALLY stood up out of his chair to the bully?

I agree with #4, you couldn't have been "standing up" to him very well from a chair. No wonder...